Business Statistics 41000
Instructor: Nick Polson
Class Notes
- Syllabus, OpenIntroStats
- Section 1: Introduction and Probability
- Section 2: Statistics and Data
- Section 3: Regression
- Section 4: Classification
- Section 5: AI and Deep Learning
- Assignment 1, (Solutions), R
- Assignment 2, (Solutions), R
- Assignment 3, (Solutions), R
- Assignment 4, (Solutions), R
- Project, Data, R
- GoogSP500, R
- Derby, R
- Buffett, R
- Keynes, R
- Superbowl, R
- Diamond, R
- NFL, R
- Zagat, R
- Election,R
- Newfood, R
- Boston.R
- Rexamples.R
- midtermTF
- midtermBayes
- midterm1
- midterm2
- midterm3
- midterm4
- midterm5
- midterm6
- midterm7
- midterm8
- midterm9
- midterm10
- midterm11
Homework Assignments
Datasets and R
Data Analytics