
B. Sandıkçı, S. Tunç, and B. Tanrıöver. A new simulation model for kidney transplantation in the United States. In N. Mustafee et al. (editors), Proceedings of the 2019 Winter Simulation ConferenceForthcoming.

B. Sandıkçı and O.Y. Özaltın. An embarrassingly parallel method for large-scale stochastic programs. In J. Velasquez-Bermudez, M. Khakifirooz, and M. Fathi (editors), Large Scale Optimization Applied to Supply Chain and Smart Manufacturing: Theory and Real-Life Applications, pp. 127-151, Springer, 2019.DOI ]

S. Tunç, B. Sandıkçı, and B. Tanrıöver. Expanding the donor pool: The use of marginal organs for transplantation. Submitted, 2019.

B. Sandıkçı, M. Çevik, and D.V. Schacht. Screening for breast cancer: The role of supplemental tests and breast density informationSubmitted, 2018.

B. Sandıkçı and O.Y. Özaltın. A scalable bounding method for multi-stage stochastic programsSIAM Journal on Optimization27(3), 1772-1800, 2017.DOI / Online Supplement ]

T.J. Best, B. Sandıkçı, D.D. Eisenstein, and D.O. Meltzer. Managing hospital bed capacity through partitioning care into focused wingsManufacturing & Service Operations Management17(2), 157-176, 2015.DOI / Online Supplement ]

B. Sandıkçı, L.M. Maillart, A.J. Schaefer, and M.S. Roberts. Alleviating the patient's price of privacy through a partially observed model of the liver transplant waiting listManagement Science59(8), 1836-1854, 2013.DOI ]

M. Lubin, R.K. Martin, C. Petra, and B. SandıkçıOn parallelizing dual decomposition in stochastic integer programmingOperations Research Letters41(3), 252-258, 2013.DOI ]

B. Sandıkçı, N. Kong, and A.J. Schaefer. A hierarchy of bounds for stochastic mixed-integer programsMathematical Programming138(1), 253-272, (2013).DOI ]

B. SandıkçıReduction of a POMDP to an MDPWiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, (2009).DOI ]

B. Sandıkçı, L.M. Maillart, A.J. Schaefer, O. Alagoz, and M.S. Roberts. Estimating the patient's price of privacy in liver transplantationOperations Research 56(6), 1393-1410, (2008).DOI ]

B. Sandıkçı and I. Sabuncuoglu. Analysis of the behavior of the transient period in nonterminating simulationsEuropean Journal of Operational Research173(1), 252-267, (2006).DOI ]

B. Sandıkçı and I. Sabuncuoglu. Warm-up period behavior in steady-state simulations. in Proceedings of the 35th International conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, pp. 1681-1686, 2005.

Medical Journals

T.G. Cotter*B. Sandıkçı*, S. Paul, A. Gampa, D. di Sabato, E.C. Little, V. Sundaram, J. Fung, M.R. Lucey, and M. Charlton. Liver transplantation for alcoholic liver disease in the United States: Excellent outcomes and profound temporal and geographic variation in frequency. Submitted, 2019.

* equally contributed co-first authors.

R.M. LaHoz*B. Sandıkçı*, V.K. Ariyamuthu, A. Amin, A. Banga, S. Garg, M. Peltz, F. Torres, M. Drazner, M. Wait, and B. Tanrıöver. One-year outcomes of lung transplants from HCV seropositive non-viremic donors or viremic donors for HCV uninfected recipients in the era of direct-acting antivirals. Submitted, 2019.

* equally contributed co-first authors.

V.K. Ariyamuthu*B. Sandıkçı*, N. AbdulRahim, C. Hwang, M.P. MacConmara, R. Parasuraman, A. Atis, and B. Tanrıöver. Trends in utilization of deceased donor kidneys based on Hepatitis C virus status and impact of public health service labeling on discard. Transplant Infectious DiseaseForthcoming, 2019.DOI ]

* equally contributed co-first authors.

R.M. LaHoz*B. Sandıkçı*, V.K. Ariyamuthu, and B. Tanrıöver. Short-term outcomes of deceased donor renal transplants of HCV uninfected recipients from HCV seropositive non-viremic donors and viremic donors in the era of direct-acting antivirals. American Journal of Transplantation19(11), 3058-3070, 2019.DOI ]

* equally contributed co-first authors.

T.G. Cotter, S. Paul, B. Sandıkçı, T. Couri, A.S. Bodzin, E.C. Little, V. Sundaram, and M. Charlton. Increasing utilization and excellent initial outcomes following liver transplant of HCV-viremic donors into HCV-negative recipients. Hepatology69(6), 2381-2395, 2019.DOI ]

T.G. Cotter, S. Paul, B. Sandıkçı, T. Couri, A.S. Bodzin, E.C. Little, V. Sundaram, and M. Charlton. Improved graft survival after liver transplantation for recipients with hepatitis C in the direct-acting antiviral era. Liver Transplantation25(4), 598-609, 2019.DOI ]

B. Tanriover, M.P. MacConmara, J.R. Parekh, C. Arce, S. Zhang, A. Gao, A. Mufti, S.-L. Levea, B. Sandıkçı, M. Ayvaci, V.K. Ariyamuthu, C. Hwang, S. Mohan, M. Mutlu, M.A. Vazquez, J.A. Marrero (2016). Simultaneous liver-kidney transplantation in liver transplant candidates with renal dysfunction: Importance of creatinine levels, dialysis, and organ quality in survival. Kidney International Reports1(4), 221-229, 2016.DOI ]

B. Tanriover, V. Jaikaransingh, M.P. MacConmara, J.R. Parekh, S.-L. Levea, V. Ariyamuthu, S. Zhang, A. Gao, M. Ayvaci, B. Sandıkçı, N. Rajora, V. Ahmed, C.Y. Lu, S. Mohan, M.A. Vazquez. Acute rejection rates and graft outcomes according to induction regimen among recipients of kidneys from deceased donors treated with tacrolimus and mycophenolate. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology11(9), 1650-1661, 2016.DOI / Online supplement ]

B. Tanriover, R. Lakhia, Y.-M. Shen, B. Sandıkçı, R. Saxena, M. MacConmara, A.A. Soyombo, N. Rajora, M.A. Hardy. Characteristics and outcomes of renal transplant recipients with hemolytic uremic syndrome in the United States. Transplantation Direct1(10), e41-e49, 2015.DOI / Online supplement ]

B. Tanriover, S. Fernandez, E. Campenot, J.H. Newhouse, I. Oyfe, P. Mohan, B. Sandıkçı, J. Radhakrishnan, J.J. Wexler, M. Carroll, S. Sharif, D.J. Cohen, L.E. Ratner, M.A. Hardy. Live donor renal anatomic asymmetry and post-transplant renal function. Transplantation99(8), e66-e74, 2015.DOI / Online supplement ]

B. Tanriover, S. Zhang, M. MacConmara, A. Gao, B. Sandıkçı, M. Ayvaci, M. Mete, D. Tsapepas, N. Rajora, P. Mohan, R. Lakhia, C.Y. Lu, M. Vazquez. Induction therapies in live donor kidney transplantation on tacrolimus and mycophenolate with or without steroid maintenance. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology10(6), 1041-1049, 2015.DOI / Online supplement ]
Editorial on the paper: A.C. Wiseman. Induction therapy in renal transplantation: Why? What agent? What does? We may never know. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology10(6), 923-925, 2015.DOI ]