Jean-Pierre Dubé
James M. Kilts Distinguished Service Professor of Marketing
Jean-Pierre Dubé
Chicago Booth
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Jean-Pierre Dubé
Data & Appendices
Data & Appendices
Current Published Research
"Discrete-Choice Models and Representative Consumer Theory,” with Joonhwi Joo and Kyeongbae Kim, accepted at
Journal of Economic Theory
, 2025
“Amazon Private Brands: Self-Preferencing vs Traditional Retailing,”
The Antitrust Law Journal
, 86 (1), 115-148, 2024.
"Personalized Pricing and Consumer Welfare," with Sanjog Misra,
Journal of Political Economy,
131(1), 2023.
"Millennials and the Take-Off of Craft Brands: Preference Formation in the U.S. Beer Industry," with Bart Bronnenberg and Joonhwi Joo,
Marketing Science, 41 (4), 235-441
, 2022
The Persuasive Effect of Fox News: Non-Compliance with Social Distancing During the Covid-19 Pandemic
," with Shirsho Biswas, Szymon Sacher and Andrey Simonov,
Marketing Science
, 41(2), 230-242, 2022.
"Random-Coefficients Logit Demand Estimation with Zero-Valued Market Shares," with Joonhwi Joo and Ali Hortaçsu,
Marketing Science
, 40(4), 637-330, 2021.
"Food Deserts and the Causes of Nutritional Inequality,"with Hunt Alcott, Rebecca Diamond, Jesse Handbury, Ilya Rahkovsky and Molly Schnell,
Quarterly Journal of Economics
, 134 (4), 1793-1844, 2019.
Work in Progress
“Large Language Models and Creative Content Design: a case study of e-mail marketing at Wine Access,” with Ariel Xu
“Data Commercialization and Personalized Pricing,” with Ariel Xu and Sanjog Misra
"Quantity Surcharging," with Hwikook Choe and Joonhwi Joo
"Personalized Municipal Utilities Pricing and Delinquent Debt," with Chanwool Kim and Sanjog Misra
"Measuring Advertising Effectiveness," with Andrey Simonov and Shirsho Biswas
"Demand for Sustainable Foods and Cabon Taxes at the Point of Sale," with Bart Bronnenberg
Working Papers
Nonparametric Estimation of Habitual Brand Loyalty
," with Xinyao Kong and Oeystein Daljord
The Identification of the Dynamic Discrete-Choice Model with Stockpiling
,” with Vanessa Alwan and Xinyao Kong
The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Privacy Regulation for Consumer Marketing
,” with John Lynch, Dirk Bergemann, Mert Demirer, Avi Goldfarb, Garrett Johnson, Anja Lambrecht, Tesary Lin, Anna Tuchmann, and Catherine Tucker
“Discrete-Choice Models and Representative Consumer Theory,” with Joonhwi Joo and Kyeongbae Kim, accepted
The Journal of Economic Theory
"Amazon Private Brands: Self-Preferencing vs Traditional Retailing,"
The Antitrust Journal
, 86 (1), 115-148, 2024.
Personalized Pricing and Consumer Welfare
," with Sanjog Misra,
Journal of Political Economy, 131(1)
Comment on “Spilling the Beans on Political Consumerism: Do Social Media Boycotts and Buycotts Translate to Real Sales Impact? by Liaukonyte, Tuchmann and Zhu
,” with Bart Bronnenberg, invited comment at
Marketing Science
, (2022).
The Persuasive Effect of Fox News: Non-Compliance with Social Distancing During the Covid-19 Pandemic
," with Shirsho Biswas, Simon Sacher and Andrey Simonov,
Marketing Science
, 41(2), 230-242 (2022).
"Intangible Marketing Capital," with Bart Bronnenberg and Chad Syverson,
Journal of Economic Perspectives
, 36(3), 53-74 (2022).
Millennials and the Take-Off of Craft Brands: Preference Formation in the U.S. Beer Industry,"
with Bart Bronnenberg and Joonhwi Joo, forthcoming at
Marketing Science
Random-Coeffcients Logit Demand Estimation with Zero-Valued Market Shares
," with Ali Hortacsu and Joonwi Joo,
Marketing Science
, 40(4), 637-660 (2020).
State-Dependent Demand Estimation with Initial Conditions Correction
," (with Guenter Hitsch, Peter Rossi and Andrey Simonov),
Journal of Marketing Research, 57(5), 789-809, 2020 (lead article).
Consumer Misinformation and the Brand Premium: A Private Label Blind Taste Test
," (with Bart Bronnenberg and Robbie Sanders),
Marketing Science, 39(2), 382-406, 2020.
Food Deserts and the Causes of Nutritional Inequality
(with Hunt Alcott, Rebecca Diamond, Jesse Handbury, Ilya Rahkovsky and Molly Schnell),
Quarterly Journal of Economics
, 134 (4), 1793-1844, 2019.
Handbook of the Economics of Marketing (2019), Elsevier (co-editor with Peter Rossi)
Microeconometric Models of Demand
," in Handbook on the Economcis of Marketing, J.P. Dube and P. Rossi, eds. Elsevier, 2019
The Economics of Brands and Branding
," with Bart Bronnenberg and Sridhar Moorthy, in Handbook on the Economcis of Marketing, J.P. Dube and P. Rossi, eds. Elsevier, 2019
Income and Wealth Effects on Private-Label Demand: Evidence From the Great Recession
(with Guenter Hitsch and Peter Rossi),
Marketing Science
, 37(1), 22-53, 2018
Competitive Price Targeting with Smartphone Coupons
(with Zheng Fang, Nathan Fong and Xueming Luo),
Marketing Science
, 36(6), 944-975, 2017
The Formation of Consumer Brand Preferences
(with Bart Bronnenberg),
Annual Review of Economics
, Vol. 9, 353-382, 2017
Self-Signaling and Pro-Social Behavior: a cause marketing mobile field experiment
(with Xueming Luo and Zheng Fang),
Marketing Science
, 36(2), 161-186, 2017 (lead article)
Do Pharmacists Buy Bayer? Sophisticated Shoppers and the Brand Premium
(with Bart Bronnenberg, Matt Gentzkow and Jesse Shapiro),
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 130(4), 2015
The Joint Identification of Utility and Discount Functions From Stated Choice Data: An Application to Durable Goods Adoption
, with Günter Hitsch and Pranav Jindal,
Quantitative Marketing and Economics
, 12, 331-377, 2014
The Evolution of Brand Preferences: Evidence from Consumer Migration
(with Bart Bronnenberg and Matt Gentzkow),
American Economic Review
, 102(6), October 2012
Improving the Numerical Performance of BLP Static and Dynamic Discrete Choice Random Coefficients Demand Estimation
(with Jeremy Fox and Che-Lin Su),
Econometrica, 80(5)
, September 2012
Computer Code to estimate the Random Coefficients Logit via GMM using the MPEC algorithm
Endogenous Sunk Costs and the Geographic Differences in the Market Structures of CPG Categories
(with Bart Bronnenberg and Sanjay Dhar),
Quantitative Marketing and Economics
, 9(1), March 2011
Do DVRs Influence Consumers' Brand Purchases?
(with Bart Bronnenberg and Carl Mela),
Journal of Marketing Research
, 47(6)
, December 2010
State Dependence and Alternative Explanations for Consumer Inertia
(with Günter Hitsch and Peter Rossi),
RAND Journal of Economics
, 41(3)
, Autumn 2010 (lead article)
Tipping and Concentration in Markets with Indirect Network Effects
(with Günter Hitsch and Pradeep Chintagunta),
Marketing Science,
March/April 2010
inalist, 2010 John D.C. Little Award
Rejoinder to Cabral (2009) and Shin and Sudhir (2009)
(with Günter Hitsch and Peter Rossi),
Journal of Marketing Research
, XLVI(4)
, August 2009
Do Switching Costs Make Markets Less Competitive?
(with Günter Hitsch and Peter Rossi),
Journal of Marketing Research
, XLVI(4), August 2009 (lead article)
Brand History, Geography, and the Persistence of Brand Shares
(with Bart Bronnenberg and Sanjay Dhar),
Journal of Political Economy
, 117(1)
February 2009
formerly titled “Market Structure and the Geographic Distribution of Brand Shares in CPG Industries”
Measuring Long-Run Marketing Effects and their Implications for Long Run Marketing Decisions
(with Bart Bronnenberg, Carl Mela et al.),
Marketing Letters
, 19(3)
, 2008
Cross-Brand Pass-through in Supermarket Pricing
(with Sachin Gupta),
Marketing Science
, May/June 2008 (lead article)
Category Pricing with State Dependent Utility
(with Günter Hitsch, Peter Rossi and Maria Ana Vitorino),
Marketing Science,
May/June 2008
Finalist, 2008 John D.C. Little Award
Prominence Effect in Shanghai Apartment Prices
(with Chris Hsee and Yan Zhang),
Journal of Marketing Research
, XLV(2)
, April 2008 (lead article)
formerly titled “A Behavioral Analysis of the Shanghai Real Estate Market”
Consumer Packaged Goods in the United States: National Brands, Local Branding
(with Bart Bronnenberg and Sanjay Dhar),
Journal of Marketing Research,
XLIV(1), February 2007 (lead article)
* Winner, 2008 Paul E. Green Award of the American Marketing Association
Also follow-up comment: “National Brands, Local Branding: Conclusions and Future Directions”
The Effect of Banner Advertising on Internet Purchasing
(with Puneet Manchanda, Kim Yong Goh and Pradeep Chintagunta),
Journal of Marketing Research
, XLIII(1)
, February 2006
An Empirical Model of Advertising Dynamics
(with Günter Hitsch and Puneet Manchanda),
Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 3(2)
, 2005
Accounting for Primary and Secondary Demand Effects with Aggregate Data
(with Harikesh Nair and Pradeep Chintagunta),
Marketing Science
, 24(3), 2005
formerly titled “Discrete/Continuous Demand Estimation with Aggregate Data: Formulation and Empirical Application”
Estimating an SKU-level Brand Choice Model Combining Household Panel Data and Store Data
(with Pradeep Chintagunta),
Journal of Marketing Research
, XLII(3), 2005
Recent Advances in Structural Econometric Modeling: Dynamics, Product Positioning and Entry
(with K. Sudhir, Andrew Ching, Greg Crawford, Michaela Draganska, Jeremy T. Fox, Wesley Hartmann, Gunter Hitsch, V. Brian Viard, Miguel Villas-Boas, Nauffel Vilcassim),
Marketing Letters
, 16(3), 2005
Product Differentiation and Mergers in the Carbonated Soft Drink Industry
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
, 14(4)
, 2005
Beyond the Endogeneity Bias: The Effect of Unmeasured Brand Characteristics on Household-Level Brand Choice Models
, with Pradeep Chintagunta and Kim Yong Goh,
Management Science
, 51(2), 2005
formerly titled “Targeted Pricing and the Estimation of Consumer Choice Models in the Presence of Unmeasured Product Characteristics”
Dynamic Brand Competition Across Markets: An Empirical Analysis
(with Puneet Manchanda),
Marketing Science
, 24(1), 2005
Retail Pass-Through on Competing Brands
(with David Besanko and Sachin Gupta),
Marketing Science
, 24(1)
, 2005
Empirical Analysis of Indirect Network Effects in the Market for Personal Digital Assistants
(with Harikesh Nair and Pradeep Chintagunta),
Quantitative Marketing and Economics
, 2(1), 2004
Finalist, 2005 AMA TechSIG Best Article Award
Multiple Discreteness and Product Differentiation: Demand for Carbonated Soft Drinks
Marketing Science
, 23(1), 2004
Finalist, 2006 Frank M. Bass Outstanding Dissertation Award * Finalist, 2005 John D.C. Little Award
Discussion of 'Bayesian Analysis of Simultaneous Demand and Supply'
Quantitative Marketing and Economics
, 1(3)
, 2003
Competitive Price Discrimination Strategies in a Vertical Channel with Aggregate Data
(with David Besanko and Sachin Gupta),
Management Science
, 49 (9), 2003
Finalist, 2004 John D.C. Little Award
Balancing Profitability and Customer Welfare in a Supermarket Chain
(with Pradeep Chintagunta and Vishal Singh),
Quantitative Marketing and Economics
, 1(1)
2003 (Inaugural Issue)
Structural Applications of the Discrete Choice Model
, (1
author, with Pradeep Chintagunta, Bart Bronnenberg, Ron Goettler, Amil Petrin, P.B. Seetheraman, K. Sudhir, Raphael Thomadsen and Ying Zhao),
Marketing Letters
, 13(3), pp. 207-220, 2002
Market Structure Across Stores: An Application of a Random Coefficients Model with Store Level Data (with Pradeep Chintagunta and Vishal Singh),
Advances in Econometrics: Econometric Models in Marketing
, ed. Philip Hans Franses and Alan Montgomery (JAI Press: 2002)
Differentiated Products Competition in Supermarket Product Categories
, Ph.D. dissertation, Northwestern University, 2000