Luigi Zingales

Luigi Zingales

Luigi Zingales' research interests span from corporate governance to financial development, from political economy to the economic effects of culture. He co-developed the Financial Trust Index, which is designed to monitor the level of trust that Americans have toward their financial system. In addition to holding his position at Chicago Booth, Zingales is currently a faculty research fellow for the National Bureau of Economic Research, a research fellow for the Center for Economic Policy Research, and a fellow of the European Governance Institute. He is also the director of the Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State. Zingales also serves on the board of ProMarket and is the co-host of the podcast Capitalisn't. In 2014 he was the President of the American Finance Association.

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"The Conflict-of-Interest Discount in the Marketplace of Ideas," with John Barrios, Filippo Lancieri, Joshua Levy, Shashank Singh, and Tommaso Valletti, October 2024

"Meaning At Work," with Nava Ashraf, Oriana Bandiera, and Virginia Minni, September 2024

"Destabilizing Digital 'Bank Walks'," with Naz Koont and Tano Santos, working paper, May 2024

"Is Pollution Value Maximizing? The DuPont Case," with Roy Shapira, working paper, April 2024. To view and download documents related to this paper, please click here.

"Private Sanctions," with Oliver Hart and David Thesmar, working paper, August 2023.

"What Purpose Do Corporations Purport? Evidence from Letters to Shareholders," with Raghuram Rajan and Pietro Ramella, working paper, March 2023.

"Regulating Big Tech," BIS Working Papers no. 1063, December 2022

"The Political Economy of the Decline in Antitrust Enforcement in the United States," with Filippo Lancieri and Eric A. Posner, Antitrust Law Journal, forthcoming.

"Political Determinants of Competition in the Mobile Telecommunications Industry," with Mara Faccio, The Review of Financial Studies 35 (2022) 1983-2018.

"Exit vs. Voice," with Eleonora Broccardo and Oliver Hart, Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming.

"The New Corporate Governance," with Oliver Hart, University of Chicago Business Law Review, Spring 2022, forthcoming.

"How Pervasive is Corporate Fraud?" with Alexander Dyck and Adair Morse, Review of Accounting Studies, forthcoming.

"What Purpose Do Corporations Purport? Evidence from Letters to Shareholders," with Raghuram Rajan and Pietro Ramella, working paper, March 2023.

"Overconfidence and Preferences for Competition," with Ernesto Reuben and Paola Sapienza, Journal of Finance, forthcoming.

"Civic Capital and Social Distancing during the Covid-19 Pandemic," with John M. Barrios, Efraim Benmelech, Yael V. Hochberg, and Paola Sapienza, working paper, May 2020.

"Kill Zone," with Sai Krishna Kamepalli and Raghuram Rajan, working paper, April 2020.

"The Political Limits of Economics," AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2020.  

"Diagnosing the Italian Disease," with Bruno Pellegrino, working paper, April 2019. 

"Companies Should Maximize Shareholder Welfare Not Market Value," with Oliver Hart, Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting, 2017. 

Contact Me

The University of Chicago
Booth School of Business
5807 South Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637

Telephone: (773) 702-3196
Fax: (773) 834-2081

Assistant: Annie Nazzaro