
Research Statement

    Working Papers

    1. Mechanism Design for Personalized Policy: A Field Experiment Incentivizing Exercise
      with Ariel Zucker
      June 2023, Revise and resubmit, Econometrica
      [Online Supplement] | [VoxDev Podcast]

    2. Designing Incentives for Impatient People: An RCT Promoting Exercise to Manage Diabetes.
      with Shilpa Aggarwal and Ariel Zucker
      June 2024, Reject and resubmit, Journal of Political Economy
      [Online Appendix] | [New York Times coverage] | [The Hindu coverage] | [Policy Brief (J-PAL)] | [Policy Brief (TCD)] | [Video Summary] | [CBR Article] | [VoxDev Podcast] | [VoxDev Article]

    3. Not Playing Favorites: Parents and the Value of Equal Opportunity.
      with James Berry and Maulik Jagnani
      March 2024, Conditionally accepted, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
      [Supplementary Materials] | [CBR Article] | [CBR Graphic] | [Video Summary]

    4. Using Randomized Information Shocks to Understand How Parents’ Investments Depend on Their Children’s Ability.
      April 2022


    Publications and Forthcoming Papers

      1. The (Lack of) Anticipatory Effects of the Social Safety Net on Human Capital Investment
        with Manasi Deshpande
        American Economic Review 113, no. 12 (2023): 3129-3172. [Lead Article.]
        [Online Appendix] | [CBR Article]

      2. Detecting Mother-Father Differences in Spending on Children: A New Approach Using Willingness-to-Pay Elicitation.
        with Seema Jayachandran
        American Economic Review: Insights 5, no. 4 (2023): 445-459.
        [BFI Summary] | [CBR Article] | [CBR Podcast] | [VoxDev Podcast]

      3. Improving Willingness-to-Pay Elicitation by Including a Benchmark Good
        with Seema Jayachandran
        American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings 112 (2022): 551-555.

      4. How Does School Accountability Affect Teachers? Evidence from New York City.
        Journal of Human Resources 55.1 (2020): 76-118.
        [Chalkbeat Article] | [CBR Article]

      5. Parents' Beliefs About Their Children's Academic Ability: Implications for Educational Investments.
        American Economic Review 109, no. 8 (2019): 2728-65.
        [Online Appendix] | [CBR Article] | [Video Summary (CBR)] | [Video Summary (Econimate)] | [Data]

      6. Governance and the Effectiveness of Public Health Subsidies.
        with Pascaline Dupas and Jonathan Robinson
        Journal of Public Economics 156 (2017): 150-169.

      7. Dynamic Search Models with Multiple Items.
        with Sheldon Ross
        Annals of Operations Research 288 (2020): 223-235. 

      Selected research in progress  


      1. Encouraging Drug Abstinence with Dynamic Incentives
        with Ariel Zucker
        Data collection in progress.
        [Extended Abstract]

      2. Peace Through Prosperity? Evidence from a High-Tech Entrepreneurship RCT in the Palestinian West Bank
        with Daniel Fehder, Yael Hochberg, Joshua Krieger, and Daniel Lee
        Data collection complete, draft coming soon.

      3. Debiasing Peoples' Overoptimism About Their Health Risk 
        with Seema Jayachandran and Ariel Zucker 
        Data collection complete.
        [Extended Abstract]

      4. Beliefs About Beliefs About Gender in India: Implications for Female Labor Force Participation
        with Marianne Bertrand, Kaushik Krishnan, and Heather Schofield
        Data collection in progress.

      5. Broadening Women's Job Search to Improve Their Employment
        with So Yoon Ahn and Benjamin Feigenberg
        Project funded.

      6. Scaling Incentive Programs 
        with Ariel Zucker