Ongoing Research Projects
My co-author identified various inconsistencies while attempting to replicate past analyses from our working paper, Financial Statement Analysis with Large Language Models. Since then, I have independently confirmed these inconsistencies. Accordingly, we have temporarily withdrawn the working paper from circulation while we review the research findings. We have also decided to review certain other LLM-based working papers for similar issues.
Kim, A., Muhn, M., Nikolaev, V., 2023. “From Transcripts to Insights: Uncovering Corporate Risks Using Generative AI.”
Kim, A., Muhn, M., Nikolaev, V., 2023. “Bloated Disclosures: Can ChatGPT Help Investors Process Financial Information?”
Kim, A., Nikolaev, V., 2023. "Context-based Interpretation of Financial Information." R&R at Journal of Accounting Research
McClure, C., Nikolaev, V., 2023. “Demand for Stocks and Accounting Information.” R&R at The Accounting Review
Lu, Y., Nikolaev, V., 2023. “The impact of climate hazards on banks' long-run performance.”
Kim, A., Nikolaev, V., 2023. “Profitability Context and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns.”
Kepler, J., Nikolaev, V., Scott-Hearn, N., Stewart, C., 2023. “Quality Transparency and Healthcare Competition.”
Andreicovici, I., van Lent, L., Nikolaev, V., Zhang, Ruishen., 2023 “Measurement Intensity.”
Nikolaev, V., 2019. “Identifying Accounting Quality.”