Business 38103: Strategies and Processes of Negotiation (Winter 2014)

Week 8

PART A (*)

Read:        Frankie Ferrara. Available in your course package.

Read the case and prepare answers for the questions at the end of each part.


Prepare:    Edgewood Electric

You will assume the role for W. Olsen, G. Evans, E. Diamond, or O. Dmitri.  Each player should first understand his or her side of the bargaining problem, intuit a bit about the other side (as designated in the pairings), and map out a rough strategy for negotiations. 

Please complete the web survey before class:


Read:        Robert H. Mnookin and Lee Ross (1995), "Introduction", in Arrow, Mookin, Ross, Tversky, and Wilson (editors), Barriers to Conflict Resolution