Working Papers

Current Working Papers  

"Do Workfare Programs Live Up to Their Promises? Experimental Evidence from Côte d'Ivoire" (joint with Bruno Crépon, Alicia Marguerie and Patrick Premand), mimeo, 2024.

"Investing in Influence: Investors, Portfolio firms, and Political giving" (joint with Matilde Bombardini, Raymond Fisman, Francesco Trebbi and Eyub Yegen), revise and resubmit, The Review of Economic Studies, 2023.

Older Working Papers 

“Bidding for Oil and Gas Leases in the Gulf of Mexico: A Test of the Free Cash Flow Model” (joint with Sendhil Mullainathan), mimeo, University of Chicago and MIT (2005).

"Corporate Governance and Executive Pay: Evidence from Takeover Legislation" (joint with Sendhil Mullainathan), mimeo, University of Chicago and MIT (2001).

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