Ozan Candogan
Ozan Candogan is the Chicago Board of Trade Professor of Operations Management at Chicago Booth. Prior to joining Booth, he was an Assistant Professor at the Fuqua School of Business where he was a member of the Decision Sciences area. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Professor Candogan’s main research area is social and economic networks. His research covers two complementary themes. On one hand, he investigates the impact of networks on operational decisions: He studies how to leverage network data (such as data on social networks, mobility networks, and trading networks) to improve operational decisions (ranging from pricing to inventory management and from information disclosure to facility location), and sheds light on the value of such data in different operational settings. On the other hand, he develops novel approaches and tools for the analysis of complex social and economic systems; and explores their applications to characterization of equilibria and dynamics in games, study of equilibria and comparative statics in trading networks, and design of information disclosure policies. His research has applications to operations of online social networks, ride-sharing platforms, delivery platforms, two-sided marketplaces, supply chains, and online advertising platforms, among others.
His research has appeared in journals such as Management Science, Operations Research, Mathematics of Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Games and Economic Behavior.
Ozan Candogan was a finalist for the 2013 George Nicholson Student Paper Competition and the 2021 M&SOM Service Management SIG Prize. He is also a recipient of the 2009 Siebel Scholarship and the 2012 Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellowship. He teaches Operations Management, as well as two PhD courses on networks (entitled (i) Introduction to Networks, and (ii) Networks and Markets) at Booth.
E-mail: ozan.candogan@chicagobooth.edu
Voice: (773) 834-2343