
Journal Papers:

[J1] O. Candogan, H. Gurkan, "Value of information design in supply chain management." Forthcoming in Management Science.

[J2] U. Candogan, O. Candogan, H. Ozaktas, "Linearly time-varying systems and their fast implementation", Digital Signal Processing 143 (2023): 104200.

[J3] O. Candogan, C. Chen, and R. Niazadeh. "Correlated Cluster-Based Randomized Experiments: Robust Variance Minimization." Forthcoming in Management Science.

[J4] B. Ata, A. Belloni, and O. Candogan. "Latent Agents in Networks: Estimation and Targeting." Forthcoming in Operations Research.

[J5] O. Candogan, P. Strack, "Optimal Disclosure of Information to Privately Informed Agents", Theoretical Economics, 2022.

[J6] O. Candogan, "Persuasion in Networks: Public Signals and Cores", Operations Research, 2022.

[J7] J. R. Birge, O. Candogan, Yiding Feng, "Controlling Epidemic Spread: Reducing Economic Losses with Targeted Closures", Management Science, 2022.

[J8] O. Candogan, M. Epitropou, R. Vohra, “Competitive Equilibrium and Trading Networks: A Network Flow Approach”, Operations Research, 2021.

[J9] J. Birge, O. Candogan, H. Chen, D. Saban, “Optimal Commissions and Subscriptions in Networked Markets”, MSOM, 2020. E-Companion is available here.

[J10] S. Balseiro, O. Candogan, H. Gurkan, “Multistage Intermediation in Display Advertising”, MSOM, 2021.

[J11] O. Candogan, "Information Design in Operations", Informs Tutorials, 2020.

[J12] O. Candogan, K. Drakopoulos, “Optimal Signaling of Content Accuracy: Engagement vs. Misinformation”, Operations Research, 2020.

[J13] K. Bimpikis, O. Candogan, S. Ehsani, “Supply Disruptions and Optimal Network Structures”, Management Science, 2019.

[J14] K. Bimpikis, O. Candogan, D. Saban, “Spatial Pricing in Ride-Sharing Networks”, Operations Research, 2019.

[J15] O. Candogan, S. Pekec, “Efficient Allocation and Pricing of Multi-Featured Items ”, Management Science, 2018.

[J16] O. Candogan, A. Ozdaglar, P. A. Parrilo, “Pricing Equilibria and Graphical Valuations”,  ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, 2018.

[J17] O. Dalkilic, O. Candogan, A. Eryilmaz, “Dayahead Electricity Pricing for a Heterogeneous Microgrid under Arbitrary Utility and Cost Structures”,  Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018.

[J18] S. Balseiro, O. Candogan, “Optimal Contracts for Intermediaries in Online Advertising”, Operations Research, 2017.

[J19] Y. Cai, O. Candogan, C. Daskalakis, C. Papadimitriou, “Zero-sum polymatrix games: A generalization of minmax”, Mathematics of Operations Research, 2016.

[J20] O. Candogan, A. Ozdaglar, P. A. Parrilo, “Iterative Auction Design for Tree Valuations ”, Operations Research, 2015.

[J21] C. Borgs, O. Candogan, J. Chayes, I. Lobel, H. Nazerzadeh, “Optimal Multi-Period Pricing with Service Guarantees”, Management Science, 2014.

[J22] O. Candogan, A. Ozdaglar, P. A. Parrilo, “Dynamics in Near-Potential Games”, Games and Economic Behavior, 2013.

[J23] O. Candogan, A. Ozdaglar, P. A. Parrilo, “Near-Potential Games: Geometry and Dynamics”, ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, 2013.

[J24] O. Candogan, K. Bimpikis, A. Ozdaglar , “Optimal Pricing in Networks with Externalities”, Operations Research, 2012.

[J25] O. Candogan, I. Menache, A. Ozdaglar, P. A. Parrilo, “Flows and Decompositions of Games: Harmonic and Potential Games”,  Mathematics of Operations Research, 2011.

Working Papers:

[W1] J. Anunrojwong, O. Candogan, B. Light, N. Immorlica, "Social Learning Under Platform Influence: Extreme Consensus and Persistent Disagreement", 2022.

[W2] O. Candogan, Y. Guo, H. Xu, “On Information Design with Spillovers", 2023.

[W3] D. Akturk, O. Candogan, V. Gupta,  "Network Inventory Management: Approximate Optimality in Large-Scale Systems", 2021.

[W4] O. Candogan, Y. Feng, "Mobility Data in Operations: The Facility Location Problem", 2023.

[W5] O. Candogan, M. Wu, "Information Design for Spatial Resource Allocation", 2023.

[W6] O. Candogan, Y. Luo, M. Zhu, "Near-Optimal Dynamic Pricing in Large Networks", 2023.

[W7] J. Birge, O. Candogan, B. Zhou, "Optimizing Public Transit: A Data-Driven Approach", 2023.

[W8] O. Candogan, F. Han, and H. Lu, "Achieving Fairness and Accuracy in Regressive Taxation", 2023.

Ozan World Cloud

Conference Papers and Other Publications:

[C1] O. Candogan and P. Strack. "Optimal Disclosure of Information to a Privately Informed Receiver." In: ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2021.

[C2] O. Candogan. "Persuasion in Networks: Public Signals and k-Cores." In: ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2019.

[C3] S.R. Balseiro, O. Candogan, and H. Gurkan. "Intermediation in Online Advertising." In: Sharing Economy: Making Supply Meet Demand, 2019: ch.21.

[C4] J.R. Birge, O. Candogan, H. Chen, and D. Saban. "Optimal Commissions and Subscriptions in Networked Markets." In: ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2018.

[C5] K. Bimpikis, O. Candogan, and D. Saban. “Spatial Pricing in Ride-sharing Networks”. In: Work- shop on the Economics of Networks, Systems and Computation (NetEcon). 2017.

[C6] O. Candogan, M. Epitropou, and R. V. Vohra. “Competitive equilibrium and trading networks: A network flow approach”. In: ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC). 2016.

[C7] O. Dalkilic, O. Candogan, and A. Eryilmaz. “Pricing algorithms for the day-ahead electricity market with flexible consumer participation”. In: IEEE INFOCOM Smart Data Pricing Workshop. 2013.

[C8] O. Candogan, A. Ozdaglar, and P. A. Parrilo. “Learning in near-potential games." In: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC), 2011.

[C9] O. Candogan, K. Bimpikis, and A. Ozdaglar. “Optimal pricing in social networks." In: ACM SIGecom Exchanges, 2011.

[C10] O. Candogan, A. Ozdaglar, P. A. Parrilo. “Near-optimal power Control in Wireless Networks: A Potential Game Approach." In: IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2010.

[C11] O. Candogan, K. Bimpikis, and A. E. Ozdaglar. “Optimal Pricing in the Presence of Local Network Effects.” In: Workshop on Internet and Network Economics (WINE). 2010.

[C12] O. Candogan, A. Ozdaglar, P. A. Parrilo. “A projection framework for near-potential games”. In: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). 2010.

[C13] O. Candogan, I. Menache, A. Ozdaglar, P. A. Parrilo. “Dynamics in near-potential games." In: Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2010.

[C14] O. Candogan, I. Menache, A. Ozdaglar, P. A. Parrilo. “Competitive scheduling in wireless collision channels with correlated channel state”. In: IEEE International Conference on Game Theory for Networks (GameNets). 2009.

[C15] O. Candogan, H. Ozbay, and H. M. Ozaktas. “Controller implementation for a class of spatially- varying distributed parameter systems”. In: International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress (IFAC). 2008.