
Working Papers

J. Xu and Y. Zhong, Improved queue-size scaling for input-queued switches via graph factorization, Accepted to appear in Advances in Applied Probability.

K. Xu and Y. Zhong, Information and memory in dynamic resource allocation, forthcoming in Operations Research. Preliminary version in Proceedings of the ACM Sigmetrics, 2019; technical report here.

A. L. Stolyar and Y. Zhong, A service system with packing constraints: Greedy randomized algorithm achieving sublinear in scale optimality gap, forthcoming in Stochastic Systems.

Journal Publications

C. Shi, Y. Wei and Y. Zhong, Process flexibility for multi-period production systemsOperations Research.

R. Pedarsani, J. Walrand and Y. Zhong, Robust scheduling for flexible processing networksAdvances in Applied Probability, 49(2):603-628, 2017.

J. Marasevic, J. Zhou, H. Krishnaswamy, Y. Zhong and G. Zussman, Resource allocation and rate gains in practical full-duplex systemsIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 25(1):292-305, 2016.

D. Shah, J. N. Tsitsiklis, and Y. Zhong, On queue-size scaling for input-queued switchesStochastic Systems, 6(1):1-25, 2016.

A. L. Stolyar and Y. Zhong, Asymptotic optimality of a greedy randomized algorithm in a large-scale service system with general packing constraintsQueueing Systems, 79(2):117-143, 2015.

D. Shah, N. Walton, and Y. Zhong. Optimal queue-size scaling in switched networksthe Annals of Applied Probability, (24)6:2207-2245, 2014.

D. Shah, J. N. Tsitsiklis, and Y. Zhong. Qualitative properties of alpha-fair policies in bandwidth-sharing networksthe Annals of Applied Probability, 24(1):76-113, 2014.

D. Shah, J. N. Tsitsiklis, and Y. Zhong. Optimal scaling of average queue sizes in an input-queued switch: an open problemQueueing Systems, 68(3):375-384, 2011.

Conference Publications

Z. Qiu, C. Stein and Y. Zhong. Experimental analysis of algorithms for coflow schedulingSymposium on Experimental Algorithms, 2016

J. Marasevic, J. Zhou, H. Krishnaswamy, Y. Zhong and G. Zussman. Resource allocation and rate gains in practical full-duplex systems, Proceedings of the ACM Sigmetrics, 2015.

Z. Qiu, C. Stein and Y. Zhong. Minimizing the total weighted completion time of coflows in datacenter networksACM SPAA, 2015.

T. Das, Y. Zhong, I. Stoica and S. Shenker. Adaptive stream processing using dynamic batch sizingACM SOCC, 2014.

M. Chowdhury, Y. Zhong, and I. Stoica. Efficient coflow scheduling with VarysACM SIGCOMM, 2014.

R. Pedarsani, J. Walrand and Y. Zhong. Scheduling tasks with precedence constraints on multiple serversAllerton, 2014.

R. Pedarsani, J. Walrand, and Y. Zhong. Robust scheduling in a flexible fork-join networkIEEE CDC, 2014.

R. Pedarsani, J. Walrand and Y. Zhong. Robust scheduling and congestion control for flexible queueing networksIEEE ICNC, 2014.

A. L. Stolyar and Y. Zhong. A large-scale service system with packing constraints: Minimizing the number of occupied serversProceedings of the ACM Sigmetrics 2013, June 2013.

D. Shah, N. Walton, and Y. Zhong. Optimal queue-size scaling in switched networksProceedings of the ACM Sigmetrics 2012, June 2012.

  • (Best student paper award. The journal version has been accepted to appear in the Annals of Applied Probability.)

D. Shah, J. N. Tsitsiklis, and Y. Zhong. Qualitative properties of alpha-weighted scheduling policiesProceedings of the ACM Sigmetrics 2010, June 2010.