Christian Leuz

Christian Leuz

Christian Leuz is the Charles F. Pohl Distinguished Service Professor of Accounting and Finance at the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business. He is a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, a Research Fellow at the Center for Economic Policy Research and Leibniz Institute SAFE, EPIC Scholar, a Fellow at the European Corporate Governance Institute, Goethe Universität Frankfurt’s Center for Financial Studies, and of the CESifo Research Network.

He studies the role of disclosure and transparency in capital markets and other settings, including sustainability and ESG; the economic effects of regulation; international accounting; corporate governance and finance.

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"Reporting Regulation and Corporate Innovation," with Matthias Breuer and Steven Vanhaverbeke, Journal of Accounting and Economics, forthcoming.

"Who Falls Prey to the Wolf of Wall Street? Investor Participation in Market Manipulation," with Steffen Meyer, Maximilian Muhn, Eugene Soltes, and Andreas Hackethal, Management Science, forthcoming

Winner of the 2024 Falling Walls Global Call in the Social Sciences & Humanities category

"The Death of a Regulator: Strict Supervision, Bank Lending and Business Activity," with Joao Granja, Journal of Financial Economics,158 (2024), 103871

"Mandatory Disclosure Would Reveal Corporate Carbon Damages," with Michael Greenstone and Patricia Breuer, Science, 381 (2023), 837-840.

"Do Conflicts of Interests Disclosures Work? Evidence from Citations in Medical Journals," with Anup Malani, Maximilian Muhn, and Laszlo Jakob.

"Internalizing Externalities: Disclosure Regulation for Hydraulic Fracturing, Drilling Activity, and Water Quality,"with Pietro Bonetti and Giovanna Michelon.

"Determinants and Career Consequences of Early Audit Partner Rotations," with Brandon Gipper, and Luzi Hail.

"Know Your Customer: Informed Trading by Banks," with Rainer F.H. Haselmann and Sebastian Schreiber.

"Going the Extra Mile: Distant Lending and Credit Cycles," with Joao Granja and Raghuram Rajan, Journal of Finance, 77 (2022), 1259–1324.

"Mandatory CSR and Sustainability Reporting: Economic Analysis and Literature Review," with Hans Bonde Christensen and Luzi Hail, Review of Accounting Studies 26 (2021), 1176–1248.

"Large-Sample Evidence on the Impact of Unconventional Oil and Gas Development on Surface Waters," with Pietro Bonetti and Giovanna Michelon, Science 373 (2021), 896–902.


The University of Chicago
Booth School of Business
5807 South Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637

phone: (773) 834-1996
assistant: Peggy Eppink,, (773) 834-8029

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