Growth and Development

Sovereign Debt and Economic Growth when Government is Myopic and Self Interested  (with Viral Acharya and Jack Shim, August 2023)

Crises and the Development of Economic Institutions (with Rodney Ramcharan), American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings) May 2017)

Local Financial Capacity and Asset Values: Evidence from Bank Failures (with Rodney Ramcharan), Journal of Financial Economics , 2016  

Constituencies and Legislation: The Fight over the McFadden Act of 1927 (with Rodney Ramcharan), August 2011

The Anatomy of a Credit Crisis: The Boom and Bust in Farm Land Prices in the United States in the 1920s (with Rodney Ramcharan), April 2012

Sovereign debt, government myopia, and the financial sector (with Viral Acharya) Review of Financial Studies, Volume: 26 Issue: 6 Pages: 1526-1560 DOI: 10.1093/rfs/hht011 JUN 2013 

The True Lessons of the Recession: The West Cannot Borrow and Spend its Way to RecoveryForeign Affairs (May/June 2012)

Land for Sale (with Rodney Ramcharan), Finance & Development, December 2011, 48(4), pp. 30-33

Land and Credit:  A Study of the Political Economy of Banking in the United States in the Early 20th Century (with Rodney Ramcharan), Journal of Finance, December 2011, 66(6), pp. 1895-1931 (Web Appendix)

Aid, Dutch Disease, and Manufacturing Growth (with Arvind Subramanian), Journal of Development Economics, January 2011, 94(1), pp. 106-118

Soft Power and the IMF ,   Review of World Economics, 2011 

Failed States, Vicious Cycles, and a Proposal, March 2011

The Financial Crisis and the Death (or Hegemony) of Development EconomicsThe Journal of Economic Education, September 2010, 41(4), pp. 398-402

Rent Preservation and the Persistence of UnderdevelopmentAmerican Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, January 2009, 1(1), pp. 178-218

Aid and Growth: What Does the Cross-Country Evidence Really Show? (with Arvind Subramanian), Review Of Economics And Statistics, November 2008, 90(4), pp. 643-665

The Future of the IMF and the World Bank,   AER Papers and Proceedings , May 2008 

Global Imbalances or Why Are the Poor Financing the Rich?, De Economist, March 2008, 156(1), pp. 3-24 

Does Aid Affect Governance? (with Arvind Subramanian), AER Papers and Proceedings, January 2007

The Paradox of Capital (with Eswar Prasad and Arvind Subramanian), American Economic Review, March 2007, 97(2), pp. 322-327

Foreign Capital and Economic Growth (with Eswar Prasad and Arvind Subramanian), Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2007(1), pp. 153-209

Making Capitalism Work for Everyone (with Luigi Zingales)

Has Financial Development Made the World Riskier?European Financial Management, September 2006, 12(4), pp. 499-533. This is a revision of my Jackson Hole paper written in August 2005. 

Entry Regulation as A Barrier to Entrepreneurship (with Leora Klapper and Luc Laeven), Journal of Financial Economics, 2006 

Modernizing China’s Growth Paradigm (with Eswar Prasad), AER Papers and Proceedings, August 2006

India’s Pattern of Development: What Happened, What Follows? (with Kalpana Kochhar, Utsav Kumar, Arvind Subramanian, and Ioannis Tokatlidis), Journal of Monetary Economics, February 2006, vol. 53, pp. 981-1019.

India: The Past and Its FutureAsian Development Review, November 2006, 23(2), pp. 36-52

New Directions in Indian Financial Sector Policy (with Ajay Shah), India's Financial Sector: Recent Reforms, Future Challenges, ed. Priya Baso, Macmillan Publishing Company, January 2005, pp. 54-87 

Institutional Reform and Sovereign Debt Crises, Cato Journal, Winter 2005, 25(1), pp. 17-24 

Making India a Global HubThe McKinsey Quarterly, September 2005, pp. 112-121

Dollar Shortages and Crisis (with Ioannis Tokatlidis), International Journal of Central Banking, March 2005, 1(2), pp. 177-220

The Great Reversals: The Politics of Financial Development in the 20th Century (with Luigi Zingales), Journal of Financial Economics, July 2003, 69(1), pp. 5-50

Financial Systems, Industrial Structure and Growth (with Luigi Zingales), Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Winter 2001, 17(4), pp. 467-482

Financial Dependence and Growth (with Luigi Zingales), American Economic Review, June 1998, 88(3), pp 559-586

Which Capitalism? Lessons from the East Asian Crisis (with Luigi Zingales), Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Fall 1998, 11(3), pp. 40-48

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