Organizations, Power, and Theory of the Firm

What Purpose do Corporations Purport? Evidence from Letters to Shareholders. (with Pietro Ramella and Luigi Zingales, February 2022)

The Relationship Dilemma: Organizational Culture and the Adoption of Credit Scoring Technology in Indian Banking(with Prachi Mishra and Nagpurnanand Prabhala, August 2021) 

Kill Zone (with Krishna Kamepalli and Luigi Zingales, February 2021)

The Corporation in Finance: Presidential speech to the American Finance AssociationJournal of Finance Volume: 67 Issue: 4 Pages: 1173-1217, AUG 2012

The Internal Governance of Firms (with Viral Acharya and Stewart Myers), Journal of Finance, June 2011, 66(3), pp. 689-720 (Web Appendix)

Entry Regulation as a Barrier to Entrepreneurship (with Leora Klapper and Luc Laeven), Journal of Financial Economics, December 2006, 82(3), pp. 591-629

The Flattening Firm: Evidence from Panel Data on the Changing Nature of Corporate Hierarchies (with Julie Wulf), The Review of Economics and Statistics, November 2006, 88(4), pp. 759-773

Has Financial Development Made the World Riskier?European Financial Management, September 2006, 12(4), pp. 499-533

Are perks purely managerial excess? (with Julie Wulf), Journal of Financial Economics, January 2006, 79(1), pp. 1-33

Does Function Follow Organizational Form? Evidence from the Lending Practices of Large and Small Banks (with Allen Berger, Nathan Miller, Mitchell Petersen, and Jeremy Stein), Journal of Financial Economics, February 2005, 76(2), pp. 237-269

The Emergence of Strong Property Rights: Speculations From History (with Luigi Zingales), January 2003

Does Distance Still Matter? The Revolution in Small Business Lending (with Mitchell Petersen), Journal of Finance, December 2002, 57(6), pp. 2533-2570

What Determines Firm Size? (with Krishna Kumar and Luigi Zingales), November 2002

The Firm as a Dedicated Hierarchy: A theory of the origins and growth of firms (with Luigi Zingales), Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 2001, 116(3), pp. 805-851

The Influence of the Financial Revolution on the Nature of Firms (with Luigi Zingales), American Economic Review, May 2001, 91(2), pp. 206-211

The Tyranny of the Inefficient: An Enquiry into the Adverse Consequences of Power Struggles (with Luigi Zingales), Journal of Public Economics, 2000, 76(3), pp. 521-558

The Governance of the New Corporation (with Luigi Zingales), Corporate Governance, ed. Xavier Vives, Cambridge University Press, October 2000, pp. 201-227

The Eclipse of the U.S. Tire Industry with Luigi Zingales, 2000, in Mergers and Productivity, edited by Steven Kaplan, University of Chicago Press.  

The Costs of Diversity: The Diversification Discount and Inefficient Investment (with Henri Servaes and Luigi Zingales), Journal of Finance, February 2000, 55(1), pp. 35-80

Power in a Theory of the Firm (with Luigi Zingales), Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1998, 113(2) pp. 387-432

Organization Structure and Credibility: Evidence from Commercial Bank Securities Activities before the Glass-Steagall Act (with Randall Kroszner), Journal of Monetary Economics, March 1997, 39(3), 475-516

Is the Glass-Steagall Act Justified?: Evidence from the U.S. experience with Universal Banking 1921-1933 (with Randall Kroszner), American Economic Review, September 1994, 84(4), pp. 810-832

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