Miscellaneous Finance

Secured Credit Spreads and the Issuance of Secured Debt (with Efraim Benmelech and Nitish Kumar, revised Jan 2022)

The Decline of Secured Debt (with Efraim Benmelech and Nitish Kumar, Dec 2021)

Kill Zone (with Krishna Kamepalli and Luigi Zingales, February 2021)  Presentation

Trade Credit Contracts (with Leora Klapper and Luc Laeven), Review of Financial Studies, March 2012, 25(3), pp. 838-867

The Contributions of Stewart Myers to the Theory and Practice of Corporate Finance (with Franklin Allen, Sudipto Bhattacharya, and Antoinette Schoar), Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Fall 2008, 20(4), pp. 2-14

The Effect of Market Conditions on Initial Public Offerings (with Henri Servaes), January 2002

The Eclipse of the U.S. Tire Industry (with Luigi Zingales), Mergers and Productivity, ed. Steven Kaplan, University of Chicago Press, January 2000, pp. 51-92

Trade Credit: Theories and Evidence (with Mitchell Petersen), Review of Financial Studies, Fall 1997, 10(3), pp. 661-692

Analyst Following of Initial Public Offerings (with Henri Servaes), Journal of Finance, June 1997, 50(2), pp. 507-530

Organization Structure and Credibility: Evidence from Commercial Bank Securities Activities before the Glass-Steagall Act (with Randall Kroszner), Journal of Monetary Economics, March 1997, 39(3), 475-516

Is the Glass-Steagall Act Justified?: Evidence from the U.S. experience with Universal Banking 1921-1933 (with Randall Kroszner), American Economic Review, September 1994, 84(4), pp. 810-832

Pricing Commodity Bonds Using Binomial Option Pricing, Commodity Risk Management and Finance, Oxford University Press for the World Bank, 1991, pp. 61-81