Banking Relationships


The Relationship Dilemma: Organizational Culture and the Adoption of Credit Scoring Technology in Indian Banking (with Prachi Mishra and Nagpurnanand Prabhala, Review of Financial Studies, June 2022, vol 35, 7, pp 3418-3466)  Presentation

 Liquidity, Pledgeability, and the Nature of Lending (with Douglas Diamond and Yunzhi Hu, Journal of Financial Economics, Mar 2022 143 (3), pp.1275-1294)

Going the Extra Mile: Distant Lending and the Credit Cycle (with Joao Granja and Christian Leuz, Journal of Finance, Apr 2022, |77 (2) , pp.1259-1324)  Presentation

Does Distance Still Matter? The Revolution in Small Business Lending (with Mitchell Petersen), Journal of Finance, December 2002, 57(6), pp. 2533-2570

The Effect of Credit Market Competition on Lending Relationships (with Mitchell Petersen), Quarterly Journal of Economics, March 1995, 110(2), pp. 407-443

The Benefits of Firm-Creditor Relationships: Evidence from small business data (with Mitchell Petersen), Journal of Finance, March 1994, 49(1), pp. 3-37

Insiders and Outsiders: The Choice between Informed and Arm's-length debt, Journal of Finance, September 1992, 47(4), pp. 1367-1400